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Medical Waste Management training course

The purpose of medical waste management training course

Medical Waste Management training courseThe emergence of life-threatening infections highlighted the need for efficient infection control and prevention programs in all healthcare settings and for healthcare providers so they can implement them. This medical waste management training course "MWM"  is designed for all healthcare providers of healthcare facilities to develop or strengthen their ability to protect themselves, their clients, and members of the surrounding community from infections and other risks that result from medical waste. The internationally accepted practices covered in this course use low-tech approaches that are practical, simple, easy to use, and generally inexpensive. Finally, the information provided in this course is applicable to any facility.

Medical Waste Management training course is one of the top courses provided by Jordanian Experts Team for Training and Consultation. This course is available for all healthcare providers, and it is available online with accredited certificates.

Who is the audience for this course?

Medical waste management training course designed for an audience of health care workers, including

  • Infection prevention practitioner; infection prevention practitioner refers to staff that is responsible for all infection prevention roles and responsibilities.
  • Occupational safety personnel; this is the primary audience for this course while they are responsible for all activities related to MWM.
  • Health care providers; much of the information in this course is appropriate for staff who provide direct medical services, such as nurses, physicians, pharmacists, laboratory Technicians and others.
  • Supervisors; the course is also useful for supervisors of service providers and other staff, as well as to facility administrators.


General Objectives:

  • Define the terms Medical waste and MWM.
  • Differentiate between general and hazardous wastes.
  • Explain the following aspects of waste management: Sorting, Handling, Storing, Transporting and Disposal.


Topics that will be discussed in medical waste management training course :

Session one :

  • Definitions.

  • Basic infection control measures.
  • Standard precaution.
  • Infection chain.

Session two :

  • Medical Waste Segregation.

  1. Infectious.
  2. Sharps.
  3. Pathological.
  4. Pharmaceutical.
  5. Pressurized containers.
  6. Chemical waste.
  7. Genotoxic.
  8. Radiological waste.
  9. Heavy Metals.
  • Non-Hazardous waste.
  • Hazardous waste.
  • Major and minor sources of medical waste management.
  • Medical Waste Minimization.

Session three:

  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
  • Uses of PPE.
  • Types & uses of gloves.
  • Medical waste Collection.
  • In-site and off-site transportation.
  • Medical waste Storage.
  • Spill management.
  • Mercury Spill management.
  • Blood Spill management.


Session four:

  • Chlorine Preparations.
  • National legislation "laws & Regulations".
  • Treatment and disposal options.
  • Treatment and disposal options.
  • Handling and disposal of Sharps - Occupational healt.


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